A small title change for these articles, as I intend to post an update on what I have been up to weekly from mid October onward. Previously these posts were titled “Cardistry (And Magic) Update”.
Attending shows for me continues to be via Zoom, and the choice of online shows continues to grow. Having recently attended the Justin Willman and Magic Singh online shows, I continue to buy tickets and I have show tickets for Piff the Magic Dragon this weekend. Enjoyable to see the shows and the reviews that I am posting appear to be popular, gaining lots of reads which is good.
Recent magic purchases have included the new Rubik’s 40th magic box by Marvin's Magic. A good selection of 40 tricks for £25. A very well presented box and I may do a small review of the set once I have had a chance to use and practice. Please see the separate posts about this magic set.
Waking up on Saturday morning just gone, we were of course greeted with the news that the Blackpool Magic Convention for 2021 had been postponed till 2022. Cancelled really as the show is annual so we would have expected a 2022 show anyway. However, the right thing to do. I will be keeping my ticket for the new event. My guess was that we may have had some form of virtual event but that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Book wise, I have made a couple of purchases. The Joshua Jay book “Magic: The Complete Course” has proved an interesting read. Also the book ”MagicTricks with Coins, Cards and Everyday Objects” by Jake Bandield. I may review these books soon. Great easy reading to absorb good write ups of effects. Both books having a similar style with illustrations and pictures.
Some good magic was also on the tv at the weekend. Particularly enjoyed the Kevin Cloud and Magical Bones performances on AGT and BGT respectively.
Magical Bones was also on This Morning on ITV this week. Watch here if you missed it.
Lastly, carried out some further work on the website. Some small changes for the homepage of the site on desktop and mobile.
