Hopefully you like the site and blog. I am working hard to improve the look and content and I have lots of future plans.
Weekly vlog posts are now available, focused on cardistry. Though I may expand the topics in future.
I am also in the early stages of conducting some interviews with professional magicians in the entertainment world. More on that soon.
I have made a few small changes to the mobile site to improve the user experience and I hope to give it a proper overhaul soon. If you find the revised A to Z page a little slow to load, I hope to divide the content up again into a few pages soon.
When I started creating the site, I didn’t realise how much you need to factor in different viewing experiences for mobile, tablet and desktop. Currently the best viewing mode is desktop using microsoft edge. So if you do have any issues, please let me know.
Lastly, if you have any suggestions or ideas for content, please comment below. My aim is to provide relevant blog posts that are of interest to the community who are interested in magic and cardistry. Open to other suggestions as well.
Thanks all.
