If you haven't read it already, take a look at my latest interview with Rich Long.
I was able to watch Rich perform last year, very entertaining comedy magic which went down well with the audience.
In case you didn't know, Rich is the alter-ego of Magic circle magician Adam Edgeley. Do read here and booking details are also included.
I continue as well to practice the performance of magic, rather than just focusing on interviews, reviews etc.
A goal of mine is to keep learning and performing magic. Here are a couple of videos of some recent performances while I practised. A classic children's magic effect and a newer dice effect.
I don't perform in public yet but I have been sharing more of me in action. Please let me know if you have any feedback or advice.
I have also been continuing to read the latest Chris Dugdale book - "Becoming Better". I spent much of Friday night just gone reading it. Couldn't put it down!
A big thanks to Chris for sending me a review copy. I will share my review very soon.
Currently, you can buy the book at www.becomingbetterbook.com and it will definitely help me learn techniques to better my performance.
It is selling so well that I know a second print run is taking place and a massive magic shop is going to be selling the book as well. More news on that as it happens.
Talking of books, I am trying very hard to get hold of "Tenyo-ism" by Richard Kaufman. If you are selling a copy of the two volumes or know of anyone that is, please let me know. I would be very grateful.
Hoping to meet many of you at BMC this year. And yes, I will put together some content for the site from this convention.
Have a good weekend.
Magic Seats