"Magic Seats" reviews are spoiler free and no detailed show content is knowingly shared. General info about the show experience/production is discussed without detailing in-depth set content. The sites objective is to promote magic positively and keep this art alive in theatres.
I have been excited for some time to get to see “Masters of Deception" at the Benn Hall in Rugby with stars of magic - Richard Jones, Matricks Illusion (Alex & Kelsie Jesson and team) and Marc Oberon. Three headliners for the price of one ticket isn't bad! And a very convenient location to me within about 10 minutes walking distance from home. I had bought my tickets ages ago to secure front row. I like a good view to watch magic!

I already knew that Richard Jones is brilliant to watch live as an expert in mentalism, having seen him perform previously at different shows over the years since 2018. Being a fan of big stage illusions, I was particularly excited to see Matricks Illusion perform for the first time in person rather than just via You Tube videos. An additional bonus was also finding out that the guest performer for the show was Marc Oberon. Famed within the magic community as a IBM* and FISM* competition winner and someone who I had not seen perform before. This was going to be a special show.
The Benn Hall in Rugby is a great venue and works well for viewing magic. On arrival, I was pleased to see the Matricks vans outside and the bar was open to pick up drinks. The merchandise stall for Matricks and "Masters of Deception" did not disappoint. I was able to pick up some bits before the show which included a poster, mug and framed picture which were all signed. All merchandise is sold at very reasonable prices with pocket money pricing for many items and keepsakes including clothing items of good quality. They really have good quality items on sale and you have the opportunity to buy pre show, during the interval and after the performance. My acquired items will now become part of my treasured collectables which will now be on display in my magic room/home office. Thanks to Richard, Marc and Alex who signed items for me as well.
As well as the merchandise stall, the stage was already lit up with lights and video to greet the audience. The stage set was impressive along with a very nice spacious venue for events of this nature. Preshow, I was also able to chat with some non-magic local friends who had not seen live magic previously, so I would be interested in their thoughts after the show.
The show starts with the Masters of Deception taking stage after a showreel to amazing light and sound production. An exciting start to the show with a family audience of all ages watching. From the off, the show screams high production values, and I was transported to a world of magic, escaping from reality for a show that lasted roughly 2 hours 15 minutes with interval. I genuinely forgot I was in Rugby and instead was taken to a Las Vegas style show. The stars of the show alternating and working together, so you get to see them all a lot on stage. A slick production for a very reasonable ticket price.
Matricks Illusion are known for their many TV appearances including BGT and were up first on stage with Alex and Kelsie along with their team. Alex is an amazing showman and was able to adapt his performance from working with his wife Kelsie through to some solo spots. A true showman and very funny who works with the audience and creates memorable experiences for all the crowd. A nice touch were some nods to his sister Emily who was not at this performance but who of course is an important part of Matricks being a founding and current member. An extremely busy family business who are now also advertising an additional new show - "Reimagined"!
Matricks created a memorable entrance for Richard Jones which was brilliant and gained much applause. The first and only magician to win BGT, known for his amazing mentalism skills that amazes audiences. Like Matricks Illusions, Richard is also always touring and is in high demand in theatres and for corporate events. Understandably he is very popular with the audience and a very well-known magician who is quite rightly proud of his army background. A very interactive performer who works well with the audience and reads their minds with his skills. He is also currently touring his "Soldier of Illusion" tour.
For anyone reading who witnessed this show in Rugby and wishes to see more of Richard, he is coming to Kettering Lighthouse Theatre on November the 1st. Other UK tour dates are also advertised.
The last to appear was Marc Oberon who is a World Champion of Magic. He showcases the art of mentalism, manipulation, sleight of hand and many other skills while using many varied props which includes playing cards, newspaper and more. Though guesting, Marc made plenty of appearances and it was an amazing choice to add him to the line-up. A joy to watch and I was mesmerised while watching him perform. His magic is classic and can only be achieved through constant practice and skill. I particularly enjoyed a set with a newspaper combined with another famous routine to bring about a rather amazing experience. That's all I will say as watching Marc made the evening even more special.
I am aware some local magicians were in the theatre and you will be pleased to know that Marc is lecturing at Leicester Magic Circle very soon in November.
The show finishes with the ensemble of artists making final entrances and a curtain call line up at the end. All truly deserving the applause gained.
I mentioned earlier that I had some non-magic friends in the audience who ranged from excited to perhaps not particularly interested and dragged along! They were all buzzing at the end of the show and were very impressed. Conferring with a magician mate, he was also suitably impressed. A very special evening.
A lovely touch for audience members of this show is that all the magicians stayed behind to meet everyone and the queue was massive. As you have already seen, I have photos to capture memories and they chatted and answered audience quetions. I cannot wait to see them all perform again.
High production values bring a Las Vegas show experience to this slick and well-presented show with Matricks Illusions, Richard Jones and Marc Oberon. Do not miss "Masters of Deception."
Magic Seats
Thank you to all the performers and the backstage crew for an amazing show and bringing some magic to Rugby in Warwickshire. For those wanting more information about the artists please visit their websites below to view services, merchandise, bookings and tour dates:
*IBM - International Brotherhood of Magicians
*FISM - Federation Internationale Des Societes Magiques
Excellent review my only criticism of the night was that they deserved to of had a full house rather than the hundred that turned up. Other than that it was a truly enjoyable evening