My blog post timings tend to vary each day at present. An issue still exists with the Wix app that I use. I am having to remember to manually publish posts and I hope they fix the issue soon with scheduling posts soon.
A good week, buying Collectables. I started off by getting a couple of new signed autograph’s for my collection. A signed Paul Daniels picture and then separately, a signed Derren Brown photo. Both come with certificates of authenticity.
I was also able to buy a Paul Daniels tour poster from Chris Cross. Just waiting for the poster to arrive now. Unusual as quite large. Possibly around A3 size.
I’ve updated my collectables pages on the site to reflect the new additions that have arrived.

I also published my first show review of the year this week. It was good to post my views on Dave Alnwick’s latest show. An enjoyable review experience which has helped drive some traffic to the site as his team have been promoting my write up. Read the review here.
I may organise to review another online Zoom show next week. Depends on my available time really as I have a lot going on currently. It is someone that I have been hoping to review for a while. However, they have a few shows coming up which at least gives me options.
I definitely have a review seat booked for the end of February for a Lxke Trix online show Trying not to commit to too many plans currently with a book review and interview in the writing stages and a couple of other ideas for site content.
Book wise, I have been reading the ”XYA” book by Chris Dugdale. Really enjoying this one and writing a review and taking notes as I go. My first book review for the site and therefore on a learning curve. The book is also supported by an excellent online portal, so I’ve been watching lots of videos as well. Looking forward to sharing the review once ready with you all as such a great book. Hopefully I will get lots more time this weekend to read it further as I am attempting to complete my first read through soon. Will also be a great book for future reference. I would like to think the review is ready in a couple of weeks time.
Midweek, I joined the Leicester Magicians Network (LMN) for their latest lecture. This one was with Dave Leeson. An enjoyable night talking through the art of presentation. Thinking about, answering and discussing three key questions to assist with improving presentation and engagement with your audience. An excellent presentation by Dave which was enjoyable and insightful.

My new lucky Richard Jones coin also arrived mid week. A really nice memento and addition to my collection (see pics below). Extremely limited and I was lucky to get hold of one of these. Excellent quality and I have listed it already in my collectables pages if you want to know more about the history of this coin here.
Next week I have a couple of pro lectures lined up (Chris Congreave and Morgan & West) and hopefully some more collectables arriving soon as well! Will tell you more next week. Below are some gallery pics to give you a flavour of my latest signed collectables that I have listed in the new additions page here. Each listing on the page gives extra supporting details.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thanks Martin