A very quiet week in my world of magic this week.
I attended the regular Leicester Magicians Network (LMN) meeting on the Wednesday via Zoom. This week it was show us your routine which proved popular. Lots of discussion, demos and best practice and chat. Very enjoyable as per usual.
I also continue to work on a talk that I am hosting for LMN this August. A talk come discussion and quiz. Trying to do a little prep each week to complete in time. It appears to be coming on nicely though lots more to do.
As so quiet, I grabbed the opportunity to add a new promo page to the website. A third promo page that will be focused on promoting magic bars. Please do let me know if you wish to have your magic bar promoted or you can recommend one. The new page is now live here. As usual, the service is free to promote magic.

On the latest AGT episode on Netflix that I watched last night, we had more magic again this week. This time, it was the turn of French mentalist Kevin Micoud.
A really amazing performance and you can view below. Something a little different from the norm and while I can work out some of the act, a lot is a mystery.
Live performance wise, things could shape up nicely this Summer Quite a few performers are out and about performing. Some are even local to me like Jay and Joss, Magical Bones, Tom Brace, Elliot Bibby and Mandy Muden. Can’t wait!
Keep an eye on the site for all the latest show info on the blog.
Have a good weekend.
