The week started by gaining more autographed items. Firstly a signed autographed photo card of the Ehrlich Brothers
Gained from e-bay at a reasonable cost. A nice signed item with good signatures.
Quite small but a nice size probably at 6” by 4”. Already added to my collectables page.

Also, I was able to purchase a couple of great signed photos of Hans Klok and Lance Burton Two decent signed photos to add to the collection and the collectables section on the website when they arrive.
I was also able to join a couple of magic evenings via Zoom. The first was a magic lecture about women in magic. A variety of performers and talks.
Then later in the week, I joined a social with my local magic club - Leicester Magicians Network (LMN). A really good social chat and catch up with the members. Don’t forget that if you want to find out more about this club, do read their blog.
Lastly, take a look at the LMN dedicated pages in this site which have also been updated this week. More information added about the club. Look here.
Have a good weekend.

