Part of my growing interest in magic involves collecting items of interest to me. Particularly autographed collectable items by magicians.
I have been working on a new collectables section that contains about 13 pages that catalogues all of my items.
The collectibles page features categories that includes signed posters, playing cards, magic sets, autographs and books amongst other items.
All listed items will have a small background history to support with photos and how I obtained the item (if a story of note).
By documenting my items, I found it quite satisfying to create a record that I know I can share with others. I will continue to update the section pages as my collection grows. New items will feature on a ”New Additions” page.
This new section is coming very soon and at the time of writing, I am about 95% finished. I have taken my time compiling the pages in what I hope will be a helpful resource and record of my items. By the time I have finished, it will be work that took place over a month at weekends and evenings. I am mainly editing now with one last section to complete.
A side project that has also now been finished, is a new site map. With the number of site pages increasing, it made sense to get a bit more organised. The site map is here and gives a flavour of some of the new collectables pages to come.
As for the new section, I will announce a date that I expect it to all go live very soon. I want to make sure that the new section is as perfect as possible and would expect all to be ready in a week or too’s time.
I hope that you will enjoy the new content.