As this website/blog was created during the Covid lockdown of 2020, I never dreamt that the site would be going strong three years later. Started on the 16th of May 2020.
The last year brought about some changes with the blog that have been really positive. A less is more approach with content.
Rather than daily blogging of shows, I now blog when I have something to say or a review. That way it is more rewarding for me when creating content.
Thanks as always to all who have supported my hobby and this site. The site would not be around without the support from magicians and the readers. Thanks as always for all your support.
To celebrate three years, I've posted our first recognition awards to recognise performers who I have watched perform this last year for the site. Without these shows and books, the site would be without content. I hope that you like the idea.
For the site it really has been a fantastic year with a focus on quality reviews, the blog and collectables.
Personal highlights during the year also include seeing Lea Kyle and Eric Chien perform. International artists who you do not normally get to see perform in the UK.
Coming up, I can promise more reviews with a Richard Jones show review coming late May and a Penn & Teller show review in June. lots more planned as well. I may also carry out some more interviews after resting these for a while. So keep an eye on the site and future content.
Thanks as always for all your support.
