This week I have been preparing future blog content for this site. With the Edinburgh Fringe celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, it seems like a good time to start promoting their shows. Hence I have been preparing lots of content For my daily blog posts.
Running from the 05 to 29-Aug this year and lasting three weeks, thousands of shows have already been announced for the Fringe.
Shows comprise of established and up and coming artists.
I have never personally been but would love to go. Many magicians perform and this year is no exception. Ben Hart, Chris Dugdale and Elliot Bibby are performing for starters. Of course, you can also catch many other magicians and see many other performance arts as well Such as comedy.
As a site, we are now going to be focused until the event on highlighting many of these shows. We have already highlighted a few of the shows and will be doing so daily from next week.
If you book or attend any of the shows in August, let me know. Would love to receive your comments.

Also, during the week I was invited to appear on a podcast and chat magic. Looking forward to that and I will keep you posted as and when that happens. I haven’t done that before so will look forward to it.
Much of the week has also been spent on organising promotional material for a new show that I am part of a team organising for LMN (Leicester Magicians Network). Looking forward to telling you more soon.
Hope you have all had a good week. Remember to keep visiting daily for Edinburgh Fringe show news.
Have a good one.

