Yesterday, I attended the annual IBM British Ring No 25 picnic. A brilliant event that nicely helped me celebrate my first year of membership of the ring.
When I joined the British Ring in the Summer of 2023, I did not know quite what to expect but I joined to mix and socialise with like minded people who all share the same interest in magic.
Like many, I had seen the IBM stand at BMC and then later at the Magic Circle convention last year. I spoke to Oliver Tabor who was the current President at the time and I grabbed some leaflets about the club.
A few weeks after considering, I applied to join as there were many benefits. The combination of Zoom and face to face meet ups certainly appealed. I also thought that the monthly magazine “Key Ring” looked really good.
Very quickly after joining I received a membership card and British Ring No.25 pin.

I really enjoy the monthly magazine and I receive the paper versions as well as I like to keep and collect them.
I probably haven’t made as much use of the monthly zoom meetings as I would like just yet and I attended one initially on joining. I intend to join those meetings more frequently and I do already make regular use of their FaceBook group.
Another benefit of joining is gaining the reduced member rate for the Convention and I booked last year for the 2024 annual convention that is being held in Llandudno.
My accommodation and ticket is already organised, and I cannot wait as the line up announced looks amazing.

The Ring actually hosts a few in person events each year which includes a Presidents’ Dinner, picnic and then the convention.
My very first in person IBM British Ring No.25 event was actually this weekend (26-May-24), attending the annual picnic which is advertised as the “Picnic in the Barn”. I hope to write a review of the day for the “Key Ring” magazine.
There are too many highlights to mention that happened during the picnic as lots was organised. A big thanks especially to the President Philip Partridge and Dr Steven, Council/members/lecturers/performers and the Tabor family who hosted the event at their barn/farm.
It is also worth mentioning how friendly everyone is within the ring. So many people came up and said hello and introduced themselves. I really appreciated this and you all helped make the day very memorable for me. Lots of new friends made as well as the opportunity to chat with some familiar faces. Thank you.
If you are thinking of joining the British Ring No.25, I would definitely recommend. Find more details here at
Lastly, I am really looking forward to the convention in September in Llandudno. I hope to see you there.
Thanks to all at the IBM British Ring No.25.
