October and November so far has actually been quite busy on the magic front. I joined the Leicester Magic Circle after visiting them to see their Oliver Tabor lecture in early Oct (reviewed here). They normally meet up twice a month and I cannot wait to attend their meetings. A spot of car trouble is causing an issue attending currently but hopefully it will be resolved soon. A fantastic club and I cannot wait to be fully part of it and contribute hopefully.
The lectures that they line up are truly excellent. They even had Steve Faulkner this month and I was so disappointed that I could not attend. Steve is very well known as a reviewer and magician. He runs his online magic course with loads of courses and videos. I was a member a few years ago and just rejoined. The content used to be just card magic but now it is diversifying into other areas like rubber bands and coin magic.
While I enjoy working on content for this website and blog, I do want to make more of an effort to learn magic again. Therefore, I have been watching Steve's rubber band magic course currently. The online site is £9.99 a month and you get invited to Zoom meetings with Steve to chat. I joined a char whereby all were discussing their most recent magic purposes. Very enjoyable. The videos are also good to watch in the evening.

Reading wise, the Vanishing inc book by Ben Hart and Neil Kelso called "The Darkest Corners" is taking me a little while to work through. An enjoyable read that I can only absorb a chapter at a time as quite a lot to take in. I will complete the book but I am at about the 50% mark. Some of the effects take a while to sink in and think through. Great book though.
Vanishing inc who published the book have many excellent books out. I have a few of their books and had to buy the new Neon Dreams book about Las Vegas and Piff: volume 1. Both are presented in hardback with great binding and illustrated fronts. I intend to review these two books and may have the first review later in December.

Of course, creating content for the site can take a while. The recent Natalia Love interview was most enjoyable to prepare but does take a while (read here). I am already working on a follow up interview which will be announced soon with an artist who I have previously interviewed. A part II interview if you like.
At a live magic show that I attended recently I was also able to ask about a gaining a future interview in 2023, so hopefully I will have another in the bag soon. Show wise, it will go a little quiet now without a car. I have written a few show reviews recently and have to say I most enjoyed the Michael Jordan High Jinx show for the stage illusions. Pete Firman was fab for the comedy and Ben Hart was of course excellent as well.
At the shows, I was able to get an updated pic with High Jinx and a signed Pete Firman.playing card. All shows were reviewed and can be read in the reviews section .
Lastly and really exciting, I booked for the next IBM conference in Llandudno and have accommodation and pass booked. Cannot wait. Will be especially exciting as they start making announcements about artists appearing, knowing that I am attending.
I expect things to go a little quiet now in the run up to Christmas but will blog when I have some news or views that I can communicate.
And if you make any magic purchases, take a look at this sites homepage that has a couple of discount codes to use.
