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Oliver Tabor Lecture - Leicester Magic Circle

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Thank you to the Leicester Magic Circle for allowing visitors to this lecture and making me feel very welcome.

As a guest, I was able to attend this excellent two hour lecture with Oliver Tabor on Monday the 02-Oct.

Oliver is a well known stage magician, ex President of The IBM British Ring No 25 and a FISM champion of stage magic. Known for not only stage, but close up including his classic bubble and dove effects.

As soon as I saw this advertised, I knew that I needed to attend as I already own the lecture notes. Therefore, the lecture would bring the notes to life for me, through instruction and seeing Oliver perform.

Signed card for my collection

The first half of the lecture focused on production, using various props. The second half focused on close up, card magic and mentalism. That's all I will say to avoid spoilers and to make sure I do not reveal anything that I shouldn't.

The lecture went down well with the club and Oliver has a great style when demonstrating and presenting his effects. Easy to follow and lots of practical advice given. Also a humorous approach from this experienced artist.

For those interested in booking or buying lecture notes and props, contact Oliver below. And thanks to Oliver for the excellent lecture and signing a card for my ever increasing number of signed playing cards.

The Leicester Magic Circle regularly organise lectures and to attend or contact them, please visit their site below. Their next lecture in November is with Steve Faulkner, which will also be excellent. Thank you to this excellent club for an enjoyable evening -


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