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My Week In Magic - Update 77

My latest collectable arrived this week. A signed edition of the Joshua Jay book called “How magicians think”.

I am really looking forward to reading this. May still take me a week or so to get to it though, I am currently working though a non magic auto biography (Barbara Windsor) which is about 600 pages, so quite a long read!

And with yet another autographed item to add to my collection, I must have about 80 signatures. I have added this book already to my collectables pages.

I will let you know what I think of the bio soon.

Friday and yesterday, I was able to create a blog post to advertise some of the services of some fellow magicians/friends who are members of the Leicester Magicians Network and The Magic Circle. Take a look at the post here. Adverts below and if you want entertainment for your event in the Leicester and Midlands area, I highly recommend these performers who are all excellent. I have also updated my promo page and home page with these ads.

Later tonight I have an online show booked to view Pete Heat. Looking forward to this show and I will tell you all about it next week. Have not viewed an online Zoom show for a while!

Also I have tickets for Morgan and West during the week - so hope to get my book signed as well! Now that would be good.

Just a short update this week.

Have a good one.



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