With so many opportunities to now see online shows, I attempt to attend and review as many performances as possible that I can then recommend.
I use my blog to publish the reviews and it makes sense to create a review section so that they can be easily accessed.
Visit the new show reviews page here. Just launched a couple of weeks ago with new content already being added.
Show reviews will continue to be posted within the blog. The only difference being that the reviews will eventually make their way to the new review page so they can easily be found. I plan to update the reviews page every few weeks with any new reviews that I publish in the blog.
Hopefully in the future, I will get to attend some of the rescheduled live shows that I have booked in theatres as well. Would be great to publish live reviews.
Below is a listing of all the recent show reviews that will feature on the page for starters.
Some of the shows are still being performed by the artists so I attempt to write spoiler free shows. I have lots of online shows booked to review and my Ben Hart review will be added soon. Recent reviews include: Harris Fellman
Billy Reid
Jay & Joss
Vincenzo Ravina
Magical Bones - A Kind if Magic
Magic Singh
Justin Willman - Magic For Humans From Home
Kerry Scorah, Mark Shorthouse and An Evening (In) of Deception Elliot Bibby
Wayne Trice And Olver Tabor - Magic At The Barn
Tom Brace - Connected